One of the world’s largest iron ore producers wanted a mobile workshop at their northern mining operation. Like anything in the mining industry, it would have to hold up against some very harsh conditions. However, there was an extra challenge with this endeavour. The temperatures can reach as low as -40°C and they can see up to an average of 50 cm of snow. Their mobile workshop had to be fully functional and keep their employees warm and safe in the middle of the intense Canadian winter.

The client needed a mobile workshop with a fully finished interior, 100amp electrical panel, lights, a saw and crimper, and shelves with storage bins for inventory. On top of this, the workshop would need to be rigged with a heavy-duty heating system and low-temperature insulation, to battle the freezing temperatures, all while leaving enough room for the employees to work and move comfortably.
Our years in the mining industry taught us plenty about these harsh conditions and what kind of equipment it requires. Equipment that would be taking on a lot of wear and tear all year long, on top of the -40°C temperature. We concluded that the best mobile workshop would be a 20’ Sea Can shipping container. Coming pre-fabricated, built out of steel, and designed to endure some of the most extreme weather, a Sea Can was a perfect choice.
Our out-of-the-box solution went above and beyond our client’s expectations. Its solid steel body was able to handle the unforgiving Northern environment with ease, and it increased the workshop’s life span.
By using a pre-existing structure, we drastically reduced costs and saved up to $36 000 in construction and installation.
Its ability to be moved meant the workshop could be built off-site, then dropped right into place. Doing so reduced downtime due to construction and installation interruptions, and it allowed the mobile workshop to be fully operational in a matter of hours. We were able to provide a safe, secure, and warm workplace, that stood up to the elements and anything else the mining industry could throw at it.